Friday, April 30, 2010

"In the Footsteps of LEGENDS"

As part of the Eugene Marathon, they will be dedicating each mile to a legendary runner. While I don't know a whole lot about legendary runners, these names don't mean a whole lot to me. Instead, I decided to come up with my own list of "supportive" legends:

1. Hal Higdon - He gave me my training plan and walked me through every last bit of my training with his online resources. Running the first mile of a marathon is absolutely dedicated to Hal. Thanks bud!
2. Rusty Weise - Rusty is a guy that I work with. He is having knee surgery today. Throughout my training, he would refer to me as the number of miles that I had run that weekend i.e., "Hey 18!" making me feel like a running stud. He shared stories about wanting to be able to run without knee pain, so mile two, the one that seems to do Rusty in, is for him.
3. Amanda and Joel - They have been inspired to run a 5k at the end of May and are great friends and amazing supporters. This third mile, the last one of a 5k, is for them.
4. Kathy Carlisle - Kathy is in my head every run telling me to stay positive. Mile four will be a positive one :)
5. Ryan and Amy - The best neighbors that two obsessive runners could ask for. They will be watching our dog for the marathon (as they have for countless nights throughout our training). They've fed us and Amy gave me her foam roller. Great friends to boot. Clearly amazing supporters. Mile 5 (50 minutes of dog sitting) is for them.
6. Monica and Eric - Monica is my yoga partner. Eric is Mike's kayak-building partner. They are in our lives daily and constantly supportive. They offered to bring dinner to our house Sunday night. We are so lucky to have these awesome friends. The 6th mile, last one of a 10k, is for them.
7. Deb - Deb was the first friend we made with the running group. She made us feel at home with the group and comfortable with the idea of running my first marathon. She always has a smile on especially during a race. She is my lucky number 7.
8. Mom - Number 8. The run that we went on with my mom was 8 miles. She will be riding a bike taking pictures behind us for this mile (in my imagination) - pushing us along. Also, she my mom, my quintessential cheerleader for this race as she has been for my entire life :)
9. Meg - My second mom! Following me throughout this training and supporting me like a second mom does!
10. Laura Nelson - Our running buddy and Nike insider. Laura shared her running stories with me making me feel human. Though these stories, she made me believe that I could run a marathon. I will never forget our 10 mile run up Terwilliger when we first "bonded". Mile 10 is for Laura (who will be well ahead of me at this point) :)
11. Jen St.Clair - My dearest bff. When she ran her half marathon a couple of years ago, 11 miles was her goal. After that, things got challenging (well, until the ridiculous sprint at the end). Mile 11 will remind me of Jen, my awesome shoes, and that I can finish this marathon no matter how challenging it is.
12. Carolyn Scherler - Another running buddy that is somewhere ahead with Laura :) Carolyn has a 1 year old and a 4 year old and is running a marathon - quickly. She is just plain inspirational and supportive as well. During mile 12, I will hear Carolyn's voice telling me that I look strong.
13. Patrice and Robyn - They got me an awesome gift certificate to Athleta to get a sports bra. To my well-endowed aunts that understand my pain, mile 13 is for you!
14. Emily Wiley - Emily is a friend from State College that was training for the Seattle Rock-n-Roll marathon until ITBS set her training back. Now, she is planning to do the half instead with the dream of a full still in the future. Mile 14, with any IT band pain it may bring, is all for her.
15. Run Oregon (Kelly, Meg, Coach Jim) - This supportive group with their blogs and running groups absolutely got me through the mental challenge of training. I cannot than them for their support. This 15th mile, one of my hardest training runs, is for them.
16. Steve and Mary Margaret - When I say, "I ran 16 miles", I can hear Mary Margaret gasping in awe. Neighbors down the way, they were always absolutely supportive and impressed with our running. I will hear them cheering for us during this mile.
17. Jamie Linerooth - Jamie ran with our group. She always looked like a super-elite athlete to me. She qualified for and ran Boston this year. She was always willing to chat and had the cutest running skirts. During mile 17, I will be reminded of running with Jamie and feeling like an real athlete.
18. Bill Otto - Bill was our pace leader for our group runs. I think he is 62 and I KNOW that he is in phenominal shape. During our 18 mile run, Bill was the one that approached me and taught me the mantra, "I am strong, I am trained, I am courageous." Thanks Bill.
19. Christina Ethier - Mile 19 is for Christina. Now, I might actually hear Christina screaming during mile 19. She will be there. Screaming for sure. During mile 19, I will recall all of the times throughout the marathon that I have heard her scream for us. That is support. As is the celebratory cocktails that she will have a big hand in on Monday night :)
20. John Ethier - YOU RAN 20 MILES ON A TREADMILL. Mile 20 is for my virtual running partner, John. He did nearly all of his training on a treadmill at high altitude (Denver). John is an inspiration and him joining us to run this marathon is the ultimate support.
21. Mike Rowell - Twenty one miles is further than I have ever run in my life. This mile is 100% for my running parter and the love of my life that helps me to push myself further than I thought I could ever go.
22. Bob Miller - Bob is another guy that I work with. He is a runner and has shared lots of stories of marathon running and training. He tells me that training is the hard part. Also, once he hits mile 22, he knows that he can finish the marathon. It better be true Bob :)
23. Katie Brady - Katie Brady is a high school friend of mine that is currently training to do an Ironman. Mile 23 is for Katie, and for being thankful that I didn't just have to swim 2.4 miles and bike 112 :)
24. Luke St.Clair - Possibly the most elite athlete I know, Luke is a super duper bike-aholic. He was the first one to identify my IT band issue and helped me find good stretches. When 24 seems difficult, I will think of Luke and how hard he works every time he gets on a bike.
25. Dad, Jerry and Claire - Possibly the three most giddy people about my running. I get nagged if I don't post on this blog because they want to know how it is all going. They have all run semi-seriously at one point or another, so they understand the challenge that this is. I will imagine their faces when I hit that 25 miles and be inspired by their support.
26. Dan Gaur - Dan, yet another guy that I work with, is another athlete. He is a runner but has completed an Ironman. And it was not easy. He shares his stories with me and encourages me. This week he has been telling me, in response to every concerned question that I have for him, "you've got this". My 26th mile will be thinking of Dan telling me, "you've got this".
.2. Me - The last .2 are for me. They are for me to completely soak in. They are for me to celebrate 8 months of training. They are for me to prove to myself that I really am an athlete.

I really cannot thank everyone enough for their support through this training. I feel as though they are all training and running with me. You will all be with me on Sunday pushing me along. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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